Sign wars in Walpole--Show of Trump support targeted [View all]
Credit: Patrick Whittemore
After the second time his Trump 2016 sign was stolen from his front lawn, Michael Liotta decided on Tuesday to nail one almost 11 feet up in the towering oak tree in front of his Walpole home.
The next day, it too was gone, with a typewritten letter in its place.
Mr. and or Ms. Trump supporter, it began, It would appear that you have placed your sign 10 feet and 7 inches above its normal spot ... I can only believe that you thought that you were outsmarting me when you put the sign on the tree. This is clearly false because there is no way that a Trump supporter can outsmart anyone. People of your kind are in fact the most dimwitted, low-level simpletons that any well-developed nation has to offer. I, and any other American who is against Mr. Trump, am better than you in every single way imaginable.
The one-page missive ends with a vow to confiscate any more signs Liotta might place on his lawn.
Not even a great wall will stop me, it read before signing off only with an initial, S.
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