He was there in the room, with other reporters.
some samples of the article. . the bold highlight is mine.. . See url for live hyperlinks to supporting information (mostly older articles from Charlie Pierce's blog)
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Thursday night was the first of four debates between Brown and Warren, and I was in the room, and let me tell you: This debate was nothing if not the perfect match-up of two candidates who were overprepared nearly to the point of detonation. . . .
Scott Brown came into this election with two great advantages. The first was that he is the incumbent U.S. senator, with all the institutional and personal gravitas that comes with the office. The second was that people in Massachusetts thought of him as a really nice guy, Mr. Happy Barncoat with his truckload of extraordinarily personable daughters. It took him about four minutes on Thursday night to throw both of those advantages across the street and into the Charles. He did not come into the debate looking like a senator. He came in looking as though he were auditioning for a fill-in slot on some AM-radio afternoon talk show. . .
. . .The personality on display on Thursday night was so fundamentally dissonant with the guy in the truck in the commercials that neither guy seems altogether authentic.
What's left is an angry lightweight who won a freak election and who's wearing an office that's two sizes too big for him.
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Also, at one point, Brown, who has not met with kings and queens, and who did not see the secret Osama bin Laden death photos, claimed that he was "one of the ranking members" of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Yes, he is. He is ranked sixth. In the event that John McCain, Jim Inhofe, Jeff Sessions, Saxby Chambliss, and Roger Wicker all move to Guam to launch new careers as a pick-up basketball team, Scott Brown would be chairman. This may seem like a minor thing, but if Brown is going to make a meal out of Warren's alleged "character" issue regarding her ancestry, then his tendency to aggrandize his place in history ought also to be somewhere on the table.
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