A responsible voter does that. If 19,000 peope were sent cards to bad addresses, (out of 200,000 or more on some form of public assistance, food stamps, medicaid, day care, temporary reciipients over the past year), that's an error rate under 10%.
Try sending out voter cards to 200,000 democrats in Massachusetts, and finding a less than 10% error rate in your mailing.
That doesn't mean that 19,000 Democrats would be Republicans now, it most likely means they moved, or changed their name, or perhaps they died. It happens, especially among elderly people on Medicaid, or families on food stamps, they either die, or move, or get married. It happens more often than you might surmise. People are not furniture, they are dynamic, and move on, or they sometimes die when they are very ill.
But your Apples was the assertion that 19,000 people get welfare every month for a year and no one bothers to check, and lots of money is wasted. NO, that is not what the "facts" you came up with "prove" in any way. You claimed a "fact" and had no verifyable source, nor even a relevant "study". Just something you caught with your one moment of attention to some news somewhere which you cannot remember where, nor can you bother to defend with some actual link.
Please try to be more accurate. And please, when you put out such an outrageous statement, when the US Census confirmed only about 70,000 famlies on welfare payments in the depths of the recession in 2010, please don't put it out there and then say it's NOT YOUR JOB to verify the facts and provide a link. That's just intellectually lazy and disingenuous.
In short, you just made a big "mistake".