There is a plan for another attempt at the recall in the spring. Currently his approval rating is around 19%. People are starting to get hit by the legislation pushed through by the rethugs and signed by this out-of-touch governator. (He who stated that a proposed hefty increase in the fees for vehicle registration was like "two trips to Starbucks".) Wait til people go to do their taxes a year from this tax season, and find they have no deductions, so in effect they will have a tax increase. No jobs created, and the burden of tax breaks for corporations on the backs of the middle class and those less fortunate, has not made this man a popular one.
I'm retired and just got an increase in my pension (from the plan I enrolled in while teaching which required that I contributed more, so that I would receive small increases yearly), and come January that increase will disappear as my tax contribution from my pension is gathered up by the state so it can be redistributed to those that don't need the extra tax breaks.
I keep an eye on pending bills, and there is no end in sight for legislation that will be hurtful to the majority of the people of this state. These folks won't be happy until they and their corporate cronies have it all, and the rest of us disposable folks either move out of the state, work for them at poverty level wages, starve or freeze to death on the streets.
Can you tell I don't like