Of course, he needs to win the governorship. We very sorely need him in the governor's mansion. But he also needs to do all he can to ensure that Dan Feehan wins his old congressional seat in CD 1.
It's impossible to overstate how much is riding on a Democratic takeover of the House this November. It might be tempting for Walz to to focus his campaign efforts elsewhere in the state, secure in the knowledge that his popularity in CD 1 will bring in that district's votes for him. But I think it's very important for him to be down in his home district as well, campaigning hard for Feehan.
Walz's word carries a lot of weight with the people of Southern Minnesota. They've proven that six times in a row at the polls. His enthusiastic campaigning on behalf of Feehan could be just what it takes to assure them that Feehan is the candidate they can rely on to serve them the way Walz has.
Now, I know Tim Walz is a wise and experienced politician who has probably given plenty of thought to all of this already, without any need for me to tell him. Nonetheless, if you have his ear - as you seem to - it might bear mentioning.