"Martinez vetoed Senate Bill 409, which was introduced to help ensure Santa Fe officials have a role in how the State Land Office redevelops state-owned property located across Old Santa Fe Trail from the State Land Office headquarters. (snip) Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth and House Speaker Brian Egolf, both Santa Fe Democrats, would have required local government approval of the redevelopment project. During the legislative session, Wirth told a Senate committee that the bill would prevent construction of a 10-story building on the Garretts site that would detract from the surrounding cityscape. Egolf argued that Santa Fes distinctive architectural style is one of the main aspects of the city that draws tourists.
Martinez, however, said such a process would undoubtedly delay, postpone or cancel many projects throughout the state that would better the lives of New Mexicans through safety improvements or economic development.
Santa Fe muni
most certainly must be involved in protecting their downtown historic district from any garish, overly big "development" that simply Does. Not. Fit. at The End of the Trail (I'm looking at you, Gerald Peters Gallery aka The Ninth Pueblo).
10 stories tall?? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Santa Fe had an ordinance that prevented anything over, say, 6 stories tall (which is how tall Inn at Loretto is/was) inside the city limits.
Some folks think
any development, no matter how incongruous, just needs to have a stucco exterior to "fit" The City Different.