Security Breach -- The feds say it's time for Santa Fe's airport to get its act together, or else [View all]
The fine is no small matter. Potentially, the Transportation Security Administration could charge the city more than $13,000 a day.
The real hammer, though, is the category downgrade. If the TSA follows through with its recent threats and Santa Fe's airport loses its Category III status, it risks losing the 60-plus-seat jets that American and United Airlines use for commercial flights in and out of the regional airport.
City Councilor Mike Harris doesn't expect that to happen. Nor does Nick Schiavo, the longtime city hand currently acting as airport manager. That is, if Santa Fe's governing body changes city law to ensure it doesn't.
At next Wednesday's City Council meeting, Harris plans to carry a bill that would make a number of changes to Santa Fe's airport ordinance. Harris says the move will modernize language and expectations for airport operations and commercial service that haven't been updated since the mid-1980's.
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