Medical Marijuana in New Mexico. [View all]
I read recently that New Mexico has legalized medical marijuana. I couldn't find much info about it though. I was wondering if anyone here is familiar with the program and how it works. Are there dispensaries? I've been here for a few months now and haven't seen any. I'm not a state resident so it's probably irrelevant anyway but I was just curious what's going on with it here.
I'm also wondering how Colorado's new laws will effect New Mexico, if they will crack down, for example, or if NM officials have bigger fish to fry. I've been watching Albuquerque news a lot lately and I've never seen them discuss this topic so I was just curious what the situation is like around here. Are there any local activist groups working to legalize it like Colorado? It's hard to get a good feel for the politics around here. It seemed very conservative around Roswell and Hobbs but the area I'm in now, around Las Vegas, seems more progressive.
I wish every state would legalize it. I actually use to be a therapist at an addiction program and I can honestly say I never had a client who had serious problems with pot other than legal problems. I'm probably preaching to the choir but I think the real crime is criminalizing a substance which is so helpful to people for so many things.