Albuquerque Public Schools teachers burn their evaluations [View all]
More than three dozen Albuquerque school teachers, including many who have just been rated highly effective by the New Mexico Public Education Department, burned their teacher evaluations in front of the Albuquerque Public Schools headquarters Wednesday to protest what many called the inherent unfairness of the process.
Courtney Hinman ignited the blaze by taking a lighter to his effective evaluation. He was quickly followed by a minimally effective special education teacher from Albuquerque High School, then by a highly effective teacher from Monte Vista Elementary School.
Wally Walstrom, also of Monte Vista Elementary, told the crowd of 60 or 70 people that his highly effective rating was meaningless, before tossing it into the fire.
One after another, teachers used the words meaningless and unfair to describe the evaluations and the process used to arrive at those judgments.
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Cross-posted in the Labor Movement Group.