North Dakota State Students Elect A Homeless Cat To Their Student Government [View all]

Could you name your schools student body president? My bet is that you probably couldnt. Thats certainly not a slight towards you. I couldnt answer the question correctly myself. Nobody of any sanity really gives a damn about student government, and rightfully so.
The students at North Dakota State University have an exceptionally low desire to participate in their student government, as only 13 percent of their student body even bothered to vote in their annual elections. Even more telling was the fact that there were eleven senator spots, yet only five candidates. They couldnt even fill the ballots. What this means was that more than half of those elected would be the result of write-in votes, the perfect storm for a mischievous student.
Meet Professor X, a homeless cat that was recently adopted earlier this year by an NDSU sophomore and his roommate. The trifecta of the American flag background, the authoritative lean on the armrest, and a face that appears to be connected to no brain activity immediately qualified him as a candidate for student government.
The student newspaper attempted to conduct an interview with the cats press secretary, but it was less than spectacular, so well stick to the truly funny aspect of this story a fucking cat was elected to student government. Thats a giant middle finger to the morons accosting innocent students begrudgingly shuffling to class.
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