Everyone here in Oregon should call Pete DeFazio's offices TODAY! [View all]
Tell him that he should be ready to announce he's running for senator this week. If he wants to run for this office at some point, NOW is the time to make that move. Call his offices at the numbers listed here:
Note to the staff the following:
1) Oregon had such a good result this past election unlike other states in electing Democrats and voting in progressive ways on measures (coming more close than any other state on a ballot measure for GMO labeling too). The voters in Oregon therefore are collectively PO'd immensely when it as a state leads the country in SELLOUTS to the TPP/TPA mess that is going on in both the House and the Senate, and only Jeff Merkley and congressman DeFazio have stood fast to support the traditional Democratic Party values that a majority of Oregonians showed last election when they voted the way they did. DeFazio will have the support not only from people in his district, but from many here in Portland who are just as upset with their congressional reps (Bonamici and Blumenauer) as they are with Senator Wyden, and will come out strongly to support a primary challenge to Wyden this coming election here.
2) Though Wyden has been strong on issues such as protecting our privacy, DeFazio has NOTHING to apologize for on his stances on those issues either, and we wouldn't lose anything with him in as senator.
3) Timing is important to do this now or not very long from now, so that the Oregon voting base connects his entering this race with Wyden's very traitorous votes on this bill, that more Americans need to know about in the coming election to guide their way to vote around the country to take back control from the corporate oligarchy.
4) We also know that Pete DeFazio won't make the same mistake that Wyden made when he talked with Paul Ryan on ways to "reform" medicare that was used too much the wrong way for Ryan's campaign bumper stickers, etc.
Wyden's vote was today, even if the final vote on TPA is tomorrow. This was the day that the party needed to step up and stop the TPA, and they failed, largely due to Wyden's failed leadership in this area. He's failed us, and he MUST GO! And that message needs to be sent soon both to Oregon and the nation by Peter DeFazio stepping up and announcing he's entering the 2016 primary against Wyden.
BTW, I already called his offices a short time ago too, and told him I'd support him financially shortly after he announces too.