Turnout is reported at record levels. This is generally Trump country although the county did go for Gov Wolf in 2018.
I voted around 8AM and had to wait about 40 minutes in line. My precinct is always high turnout, though. It voted at nearly 80% turnout in 2016. I missed hearing what my voter number was unfortunately. The line was caused primarily because last names were divided by A-M and N-Z. The latter had few voters in that category. The line looked like the county, all white and mostly older. I had Trumpers in front and behind me, 1 younger and a middle-aged couple. Once inside the voting went quickly, in and out under 5 minutes.
I asked the election judge if she knew how many absentee ballots and she didn't know because she hadn't had time to look at the list which is normally posted on the wall, but wasn't this time. I stopped and chatted with the guy at the Dem table. He didn't have much hope for the Dem state legislature candidates with which I agree. Before I left, the election judge must have transferred the last names of "M" to the "N-Z" poll book because she came out and announced voters with last names M-Z could now go right in and more people moved out of line to vote.
Then I decided to take a drive around the neighborhoods where Dem turnout usually lags. I was happy to see a line at the first polling place I stopped. There was actually a sheriff's constable outside, but very friendly and thanking voters for coming out. She told me she calculated that there was 1 voter about every 1.5 minutes showing up. She said there'd been a line since the poll opened. There was another person handing out flyers for the Peffer, the 3rd party candidate in PA HD10. She thought the incumbent had shot himself in the foot with his antics using his son that was caught on video and made public a couple weeks ago.
I asked where the other polls were and visited a couple of them. The first was in the local Salvation Army office building. I didn't see a line, but that's easy walking distance for the voters in that precinct.
The other place was in a church. Again, no outside line, but the Dem poll greeters said there'd been a steady stream throughout the morning.
Combined, this is probably a good sign. Trump will win the county, but if the urban areas turnout, it will tamp down his margin which was 16 pts in 2016.