and finally saw my very first one some time in late summer in North Wales, Montgomery County (about 15 miles north of where I live) in a parking lot that same year. It was sitting on the tire of a car parked next to mine at a shopping plaza there. I was there with my sister and niece and I remember dragging them over to point it out to them and was somewhat debating whether to try to smack it where it sat but didn't only because it was on someone else's car tire, and then it jumped away as I looked closer anyway.
Fast forward a year later (2020) and in they came into the city and in my neighborhood. They looked docile but were hard to smack because not only do they hop fast, but their wings give them enough lift to hop pretty far (in some cases, almost 6 or 7 ft) with a single leap! Still, I was able to spot and snag the crawling black-spotted or red-spotted nymphs.
Fast forward another year (2021) and it was an invasion in my neighborhood. I had them crawling all over the front of my house (walls and sidewalk) and on my car, and bought a couple spiked swatters to get what I could in addition to stomping. They were also out on my back patio and I spent much of that summer trying to eradicate them.
And then the next year (last year - 2022) I saw a few, but nowhere near what I had seen in 2021. I was armed with the swatter though.
And this year, I finally saw my first one last week. So far I've only seen that "one", although I expect there may be a few more out there but it is still, at least at the moment (knock on wood) a far cry from a couple years ago.