Multiple people at the school had the same suspicion that drugs may have been present. They seemed to be administrators, teachers or other school staff. So, a search was reasonable. Yes, the parents should have been called for the search if such notification is a requirement.
The actual search, though, seems to have occurred well after the initial situation had been escalated by the kid's choice to resist. So, the search seems to have been done in relation to the kid being taken to the police station. I doubt that type of search requires parental notification.
I'll leave it to you to adduce your own evidence, since that's your burden of proof, if you want to make a point. (Telling others to google your argument? Get real.)
If you have other information on this, I am open to your opinions and facts if you want to present them.
Either way, "The cop lied...." seems to not be relevant as far as I can tell. This was about suspicion of possession, not actual possession. Did I miss a statement somewhere that drugs were actually found in the backpack? Or is that something that you have just added to the discussion?