Grand jury called to investigate flawed police response to Uvalde shooting [View all]
The criminal negligence, inaction and breach of normal protocols at the Uvalde shooting caused the death of a number of children and teachers. The criminal negligence needs to be investigated and prosecuted.
A special grand jury first convened Friday in Uvalde will investigate law enforcements delayed response to Texas deadliest school shooting to determine whether criminal charges can be filed against officers, the Uvalde Leader-News first reported.
Twelve people were selected to serve on the jury in Texas 38th Judicial District Court. Jurors will meet around twice a month to hear testimony from witnesses of the May 24, 2022 shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. The attack killed 19 students and two teachers and injured 17 others.
Uvalde County District Attorney Christina Mitchell will also present her case to the jury, which will make a recommendation to her at the end of their investigation. The DA will then decide whether to pursue criminal charges against some of the nearly 400 law enforcement officers who responded to the scene.
The DAs office did not respond to a request for comment and has not said who may be facing criminal charges.....
Federal officials did not directly answer whether any officers responding to the shooting should face criminal charges. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said he would leave that to the local district attorney because the Justice Department only has jurisdiction over federal crimes.