A thoughtful post from the Cabell County WV Democrats Facebook page. [View all]
We all need to remember that at this time last year, the state Democratic Party was under the iron fisted control of Joe Manchin. The state Democratic Party was controlled by senator Joe Manchin in much the same way that Donald Trump controls the Republicans.
Only 3 days before the general election Joe Manchin lashed out of the president over coal. This was beneficial to Republicans in West Virginia.
It was only last June [2022!], that the state Democratic Party was resurrected from the political depravity of Joe Manchin and his coal industry cronies.
The liberal Democrats took over the state party last June. It takes much longer than a few months to build a vibrant state democratic political party that is capable of winning numerous elections.
Many bridges between various groups need to be built and rebuilt to achieve the ultimate victory of democratic values in West Virginia.
The new leadership will make mistakes due to inexperience; however, their heart is in the right place.
This last election was a dark day for West Virginia Democrats. Let's all hope we can be party to the resurrection of the values of our party.
Remember that the Democrats held the line against the Republican onslaught in the rest of the country. There's a great big world beyond West Virginia and there is much grounds for hope in the future.
For those outside West Virginia, we are making significant changes in the state Democratic Party that
will pay dividends in the future. But you can't turn it around in a single election. Just ask Wisconsin or Texas!
(I've made a few changes for spelling and typos.)