Republicans don't want to make government work for Wisconsinites [View all]
You'd be wrong to think that the batch of Republicans who control the state Legislature would ever show remorse for the blunders they routinely commit under the guise of governing Wisconsin.
They always like to claim that government should be run like a business, but if a business were run the way they continue to operate, they'd have been out of jobs long ago. Unfortunately, they've been so adept at rigging voting boundaries one of the few things at which they demonstrate any real talent that getting rid of them is a long shot at best. And they have the audacity to complain about union rules making it difficult to fire people who don't perform up to par.
The sad truth is that many of these pious legislators didn't run for office to make government work for the state's citizenry. All too many of them aspired for office so they could impose their ideological grievances on the people instead.
They don't want to help people get health care, but work to make sure many people don't. They don't want to help low-income Wisconsin citizens achieve family-supporting wages, but do everything in their power to make sure they don't. They don't want to help make it easy for the citizenry to vote, but spend their time figuring out how to make it tougher. All that's just for starters.
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