'Us vs. them': Recruiting Wyomingites for domestic fight [View all]
On the evening of Friday, September 25th between 100-150 people gathered at the Albany County Fairgrounds for an event that called on ALL PATRIOTS to take back OUR town. Current and aspiring local elected officials including the chair of the Albany County Commission spoke in advance of the headliner, John Tig Tiegen, who had come to educate the crowd on how to help defend against domestic terrorists.
Tiegen was billed as a hero from the Battle of Benghazi, referring to his role in defending a United States diplomatic compound in Libya during the 2012 attack that left four Americans dead.
A member of the Annex Security Team, Tiegens exploits were recounted in the book 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi. Michael Bay directed the movie version.
Tiegen had come to Wyoming to share a different story, WyoFiles account of which is drawn from an audio recording made by an event attendee.
Read more: https://www.wyofile.com/us-vs-them-recruiting-wyomingites-for-domestic-fight/