Trump's support in Wyoming rightfully eroding [View all]
Donald Trumps largest margin of victory last November was in Wyoming, where he defeated Hillary Clinton by 46 percentage points. Today, however, at least one major polling group shows his support in the Cowboy State is dropping though not to the level he deserves after his disastrous past month.
Trump is presiding over a mangled, twisted wreck of a presidency 10 months after his inauguration, and I dont see it getting any better. His latest disgrace berating San Juans mayor for criticizing the inadequate federal response to Puerto Ricos decimation is more than I can stomach.
Trump is an embarrassment to this nation and our fundamental values. I dont say that lightly. Like most Americans I was taught to respect the office of the presidency even if I strongly disagreed with the occupants political views. But if we love our country and dont want to see the presidency degraded even further, Trump needs to be removed from office.
Im hardly alone. Quinnipiac University released a poll last week, before Trumps feud with the mayor, that shows 56 percent of voters think Trump is not fit to serve as president. Thats astonishing.
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