I have refrained from posting til now on this subject,BUT hey here we go.
Julia Gillard was elelcted by a 49% to 50% minority Government.She was put in there by the Australian Greens & Independants.She as far as I and many of my friends are concerned is doing a good jopb with what she has got and what she is able to do.
Mt Tony 'Mr.Negative' Abbott on the other hand has never been liked since day one.He had been very spiteful since the Independants and also the Greens agreed to put the Labor Party into office,which thank god for many of us in rural NSW happened.
Tony Abbott has been bitter since day one and he will never change.Yony Abbott has been like a little boy who has had his favoutrite toy taken from him and he has been putin a corner for being a 'naughty' boy.
Which brings me back to the Labor Party...Julia Gillard introduced a Carbon Tax,she also renigged on a pokies Tax,she has also introduced a reform for Medicare and she is also introcuing other reforms as well.
What did Tony Abbott do,whingw,whingw,whinge all the way to the bank.
People forget that he was the Health Minister in the previous Howard Government and stopped FREE dental care for those who are lower wages and pernsioners,which has now been introduced by the Labor Government,Mr.Howard stated in 1999 that we would NEVER,NEVER have a GST under his watch anmd what happened in 2000 we got a 10% GST,Mr.Howard stated that we would have low interst rates under his government and what happened,interest rates went up and up as well as many commodoties.As far as infrastructure what did the Howard government give us STUFF ALL.What reforms did we get STUFF ALL.
Its is all a beat up by the MEDIA,due to the fact that News Limited is owned by Murdock Group and cant stand the Labor Party,The mining Magnates also cant stand the Labor Party and all because of the mining tax,The packers also own media and also TV and cant stand the Labor Party and all in all The Australian Labor Party under Julia Gillard is doing a great job with what she has got.
Julia Gillard could see the writing on the wall with Kevn Rudd.Australia was going nowhere excepting that Kevin Rudd was linging his pocket.
If and when Julia Gillard calls for a Caucus Spill,then Kevin Rudd would lose,he would be either sacked as Foreign minister and another Foreign Minister given the job,BUT who could do the job,no-one.
Rudd kept us above board with the GFC,BUT he wouldnt be able to control a Minority Government and put up with all the CRAP that the Abbott oposition is slinging at the present Labor Government.
I believe that this whol;e BALLS UP is as a result of the NEWS MEDIA and ELECTRONIC MEDIA beating up the Labor Goverbnment and trying desperately to get Julia Gillard to call an early elelction and then the Australian public having the wool pul;led over ehtier eyes and having Tony Abbott as PM,which would take us back to the dark ages again.
I say leave the Government to do what they are doing and that the Daily telelgraph and other Murdock owned papers go away and leave them alone.
It is a commonly known fact that one will not get a job with Murdock newspapers if you are a supporter of the Labor Party
In closing Julia Gillard is doing a great job with what she has got,whio has brought in some tough reformes and its time that the Australian public,the Liberal Party and the News media both elelctronic and medai print,realised that she is there and there to stay.