Kevid Rudd gone [View all]
Well the faceless men of the Media and the newspapers have got rid of Kevin Rudd and now Julia Gillard is going to have a faction election on Monday.
It appears to me that News Limited.SkyNews,the Murdock press and also all the 'shockjocks' have brought down the Labor Government all because Tony Abbott spat the dummy and told the people of Australia that he should be the PM.
Could you imagine Australia unde the ruling Liberals again...NO THANK YOU.
We had 14 yeasr of Howard and his bunch of no good dic*heads of which Tony Abbott was the Health Minister and what did he do,STUFF up the Health Sydtem in Australia,so many thngs that he did that they are to many to mention,and now Gen X & Y all want to see this bloke'Screw the country again'
Its time that the Media realised that there is more than politics in this country BUT once they get onto the bandwago,well nothing will stop them.
Time to wake up people and tell the Murdocks,News Limited,Packers and also the Media in general to go suck on a sav and stop having to much time on their hands......