I reside in rural NSW,I am stuck in a Nationals seat and unfortunately our local Federal Member is absolutely RUBBISH (I cant use the word that I want to),so we are all hoping for a clear cut internal spill.
We DONT want Abbott to ruin this great country of ours,so I dont believe that whoever is the PM that there will be much difference at the next electrion.
People forget that Howard stated that we would NEVER,never have a GST and we got one,he also stated that interest rates would remain low uunder his watch,also food and fuel prices would remain low under his watch,well the only thing that remained low under his watch was unemployment.
The Pacific Highway is still a mess,there was NO infrastucture under the Howard Governemt,the Health and Work Choices became a complete farce,alnd also the Howard Government gave into the 'faceless men' who even today are the Murdocks and the Packers.
Tony Abbott was the Minister for Work choices and also the Miniaster for healt in the Howard Goverment,and there was nothing BUT condemnation back then,even when he introdyuced the GST,which we shoulnt have got.
So Julia Gillard has introduced some unlikable taxes,BUT hell they dont come into being for another 12 months,as what is Abbott on about.
I would like to see Turnbull challenge Abbott and then I would say 'game on',the way it is at present well Abbott is just TOO negatibve and everything that comes out of his mouth is BULL.
Thanks my opinion,for waht its worth