Being involved with the media.both electronic and paper,I find it very hard to be able to grapple with the Murdock empire.If one is employed by a Murdock paper then one has to be a Liberal supporter otherwise the job is NOT filled.This has been the same for years.Murdock supports the Libs/NCP and so for that matter does Packer & Lowy,BUT as far as the ABC well its hard to take them sometimes,they try to be 'on the fence' BUT again its very difficult when we get the likes of Abbott,Hockey,Bishop and the rest of the Libs.
I keep to myself,BUT being a member of the ALP and having been this way for 20 odd years,I find that Murdock newspapers WILL not accept or even print posts that criticize the Libs.The ABC is the same,BUT they dont like people criticizing the Labor Party.
All in all Murdock,Packer and Lowy are just plain old Liberal supporters who shove all their dollars into the Liberal Party and dont care who they hurt on the way.I was under the impression that Murdock was a US citizen,BUT with an Australian passport as well.Its time that he made up his mind which way he wanted to go.
As far as newspapers here the Daily Telegraph,the Herald Sun,and many other daily papers are so far Liberals that its as plain as the nose on your face,BUT the ABC can change at the drop of a hat.