Abbott running around Australia,trying to 'muster' the troops [View all]
I notice that Mr.Rabbitt is running around Australia telling us what he intends to do when and if he becomes PM at the end of the year.
I notice that he is only visiting the Liberal Faithful instead of just popping up in some town to preach to the Australian people.He has also got a 'white paper' which he has decided to distribute to the 'Liberal Faithful on what he intends to do if he gets into parliament.
Give us all strength if he even made it to the lodge.He would make a TOP Naval operator/........he's gunna do this.he is gunna do that,he will be gunna stoop this and that,so what will be left of Australia....not a whole lot.
If Mr.Rabbitt and Mr.Donkey were to win at the end of the year we as Australia would be broke in 6 months,Rabbitt will re introduce the 'Work Choices' of the Howard era,he would cut back the public service,he would disband the 'Carbon Tax' (pigs might fly) and he reckons that he will do many other things.
Mr.Rabbitt instead of telling your Liberal friends,why don't you get out into Australia and see what sort of reception you get
You would go back to Sydney/Canberra with your tail between your legs.......WE DON'T WANT YOU OUT HERE