Fortunately, I agree with you on more things than I dont.
What really irks me though is that whenever Julia Gillard makes an announcement on policy, the media insinuate that its her idea alone. She cops the full brunt of ire. When Rudd made a call, especially when it was unpalatable, he says it was his inner cabinet that made him do it.
You wouldn't have to be a Rhodes scholar to work out that Rudd was behind the leaks in the last election campaign, which I believe, is the main reason for us being in minority government now.
I am acquaninted with an ex member of his caucus. Apparantly he is not the lovable milky bar kid that he makes out he is. Plus, he has a reputation for being one of the biggest leakers in Canberra.
I agree with you about the timing of the announcement of the mining tax Where we differ though is that I think it still should have been policy at the last election, but it shouldn't have been announced until about 1 week before election day. That would have stopped the mining companies from organising a $20 million campaign against it.
I am a very disallusioned Labor supporter at the moment and its not because of Julia Gillard, its because of all the flack she unfairly cops. I watch Question Time every day on tv (sometimes in Canberra) and I never cease to be amazed at the lack of respect she is shown by the opposition. To have put up with as much as she has I think she is a very strong leader and I will support her for as long as she deserves it. If she is forced out of the leadership and is replaced by Rudd, I will resign from the party.