'Right now he or she is probably bashing someone, taking drugs, or stealing stuff.
Of course, its never their fault. Its always the harsh or draconian laws of the country in which the crime is committed, which is inevitably described as primitive.
When will we realise that we are the real primates?
Forget about the annoying American with the too-wide smile, crushing handshake and Hawaiian shirt with the volume turned up to 11.'
Ah the bad Aussie tourist. If youve never come across one then you probably are one! There is nothing quite like bumping into Wozza (or Shazza) in his (or her) [insert local beer] singlet. Theyre usually half sloshed before midday, wandering around looking for an Aussie bar or at least somewhere that speaks bloody English! Or somewhere that serves real food, not this bloody [insert local delicacy] shit, writes Justin Jamieson, the publisher of Get Lost! magazine.
Perhaps the most disrespectful incidents occurred during Anzac day commemorations at Gallipoli, leading to a strict alcohol ban.
Young Aussies, who saw it as a slightly more exotic Oktoberfest, slept on war graves and left the site strewn with rubbish.