It doesnt matter what country you go to there will always be 'racism'.
In Australia the Government has been trying to wipe it outfor years,BUT it always rearsits ugly head,somewhere and sometime.
Where I livein rural NSW,we dontget the same effect that happens in Metro cities.We have about 6-7 different races in our town and everyone gets on real well and we all live harmoniously.
I once got caught up in a 'racist' incident and its was caused because some young kid that was in a crowd of people yelled out'Youe'r racistist mister' and it was on for young and old.....All I did was ask some one if they could read 'English' as they were driving out an in gate and holding up all the thru traffic.
Anyway it dosnt matter where one goes its everywhere and I am sorry BUT these polies that dont believe that there is such a thing,should get out of their 'ivory towers' and have alook around them.
I will wave an Aussie flag in my car,BUT I shall also show the Indigenous flag as this town is 70% Australian (white) 25%Indigenous and 5% from another country.
Our radio station in town,used to fly the flags of all our residnets,BUT some one took offence and tore them down and they havent been replaced for fear of something happening or our building being destroyed.
Ah yes 'Racism' is still around