Next time Poilievre asks a stupid question or as a premise to a question states a stupid talking point like "now people know that it is Trudeau propaganda, not news" ...
Trudeau should, stand up, patiently wait for the House to subside and get quiet, and then answer "Mr. Speaker, CBC is not Trudeau propaganda" and sit down.
Cons would get into an absolute uproar shouting and looking like some kind of Monty Python idiots, or worse, looking like Empty Greene and Boebert. Let them carry on their antics as long as it takes the Speaker to get in control.
Then Poilievre will re-ask the same or a similar question. Do the same thing, wait for quiet, then "Mr. Speaker, CBC is not a subsidiary of George Soros" and sit down. Keep doing it until asked civil questions.
Most CON questions will be phrased as repackaged conspiracy theories or watered down magat points or like "Have you stopped beating your wife yet". Bergen did it. Much more so under Poilievre now that he defeated the more honourable O'Toole wing of his party. So play it straight and knock down the premise in as few words as possible.
The technique is to apply negative reinforcement to nonsense and respond positively to proper questions. That negative reinforcement will drive the Cons ape-shit and they will look even more stupid. It's a corollary of your comment getting more Con con-game nonsense identified as such for the Canadian public.
Another point is Poilievre is pretending the CBC doesn't play music.