Share Of Workers In Minimum Wage Jobs Has Grown Fivefold In Ontario: Study (Huffington Post) [View all]
Posted: 06/15/2015 2:46 pm EDT
In 1997, one in 40 Ontario workers was working for minimum wage. Today, it's one out of every eight.
That's according to a new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, which found low-wage jobs in Canadas largest province have been growing at a pace that is more than three times as fast as overall job growth since 1997.
The study from the left-leaning institute, based on Statistics Canada data, paints a picture of a central Canadian economy that is rapidly losing higher-wage, unionized manufacturing jobs in favour of lower-wage, non-union service jobs. The result of this shift has been a rise in precarious employment such as contract work, temp work and part-time hours.
While the total number of jobs in Ontario grew by 30 per cent over the past 17 years, the number of low-wage jobs (defined as paying an hourly rate within four dollars of the minimum wage) grew by 94 per cent, the study found.
The report aims to dispel the myth that minimum-wage workers are mostly teenagers living at home and saving up for the latest smartphone.