Not just Labour having issues with "entryism"... [View all]
I suppose this is an inevitable consequence of the Tories morphing into UKIP. However, the track record of UKIP types in elected office is not good at all. But can the Tories keep from heading in that direction?
In recent months a battle has been raging in Conservative constituencies across Britain as Tory MPs fear they are being flooded by a wave of former UKIP members seeking to take control of their party.
Pro-EU MPs have reported a surge in new members since a call by the UKIP-donor Arron Banks for pro-Brexit activists to help overthrow Theresa May and force the hardest possible exit from the EU.
One concern among Conservative figures trying to push back against the wave of former UKIP members seeking to join is that the party headquarters doesn't have sufficient resources to identify members who have joined specifically to oust Prime Minister May.
"What the Conservative Party should be treating seriously is the coordinated attempt to flood the party with people whose intention it is to achieve a hard Brexit and/or get rid of the prime minister," one MP told BI. "But it's very difficult. Occasionally you can identify new members as UKIP canvassers, but who are the others?"
They added: "We are almost certainly going to have a leadership contest in the next 12 months or so. £25 to pick the next prime minister is an absolute bargain."