How To Solve The Brexit Dilemma [View all]
A variety of impulses motivated the popular decision. Those who favored Brexit told the British people that they were sending huge sums of money to the EU. They said the nation was being overrun with unwanted immigrants. They portrayed the step as an overdue assertion of British sovereignty.
The vote reflected a generalized discontent with the status quo and the common impulse to tell the people in charge to get stuffed.
As one of the politicians who campaigned for Brexit proclaimed, People in this country have had enough of experts.
Fortunately, there is a solution to this excruciating dilemma: Let the people vote again. Now that they have contemplated the bleak reality the majority voted for, they would most likely leap at the chance to change their minds.
The British people are now in the position of the prisoner once cited by Winston Churchill who languished for twenty years in a dungeon until one morning the idea struck him to push the door, which had been open all the time. Having created the Brexit predicament, they also have a way to escape it.
A tad naive but a good read none-the-less