Brexit Tory and Labour MPs to force Brexit delay if May's deal is voted down [View all]
Senior Tory and Labour MPs are planning to force the government to delay Brexit by several months to avoid a no-deal outcome if Theresa May fails to get her deal through parliament in January, the Observer has been told.
Cross-party talks have been under way for several weeks to ensure the 29 March date is put back probably until July at the latest if the government does not push for a delay itself. It is also understood that cabinet ministers have discussed the option of a delay with senior backbench MPs in both the main parties and that Downing Street is considering scenarios in which a delay might have to be requested from Brussels.
One senior Tory backbencher said: I have had these discussions with ministers. They will not say so in public but of course the option of a delay has to be looked at in detail now. If we are determined to avoid a no deal, and the prime ministers deal fails, we will have to ask to stop the clock, and that will give time for us to decide to go whatever way we decide thereafter.
Here's hoping....