If Johnson is the answer, what is the question? [View all]
Boris Johnson is not a One Nation Conservative but an ardent Thatcherite
The Conservative frontrunner is often derided as a fatuous character an opportunist who will say and do whatever he needs to in order to attain power. But to truly understand his motives, one has to look behind the rhetoric and analyse the only question that really matters: who stands to benefit from his policy agenda? And who will lose out?
A cursory glance at history suggests that Johnsons primary aim, like that of his Thatcherite predecessors, is to enrich and empower a wealthy constituency centred in the City of London. The talk of meritocracy, the praise of free markets, and the nostalgic appeal to empire serve as nothing more than a cover for an ideological project that aims to enrich the top 1 per cent at the expense of the rest of society.
Brits are really caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment.