in The Spectator about their experiences of COVID:
Cummings and his wife, Mary Wakefield, an editor at the Spectator, last month gave detailed accounts of how they coped under lockdown while having the symptoms of coronavirus:
Writing in the magazine, Wakefield said that Cummings rushed home to look after her when she began showing symptoms. A day later he began feeling weird and then couldnt get out of bed. Day in, day out for 10 days he lay doggo with a high fever and spasms, she said.
The article goes on: Just as Dom was beginning to feel better ... Boris was heading in the other direction, into hospital. This was the evening when Cummings was first seen near Durham with the child. ...
Wakefields article does not say where they were during quarantine, but it adds: After the uncertainty of the bug itself, we emerged from quarantine into almost comical uncertainty of London lockdown. Wakefield has been asked to clarify whether the family were in their London home at the time.
Given what's now come out, it looks like their earlier accounts of working through COVID under lockdown were at least 90% bullshit.
Other high-flying heads in England and Scotland have rolled after breaching lockdown. Cummings is still not telling the truth (he denied receiving a warning from the police, for instance, whereas the police maintain they talked to him). For that alone, he should go. (There are obviously plenty of other reasons why he should do so.)