Shortage of homegrown twats forces government to look abroad [View all]
(From our best news source, Newsthump):
Following the appointment of former Australian PM Tony Abbott as a trade adviser, a senior Conservative Party source has expressed concerns about the quality of Britains current crop of morally delinquent arseholes.
Although many in Downing Street view the signing of horrible misogynist shitbag Abbott as a step in the right direction, the source insists that more needs to be done to ensure British twats dont miss out.
Nobody can be in any doubt that the current government has raised the bar in terms of absolute ethical bankruptcy, they told us.
However, the appointment of Tony Abbott a foreigner signals a potential failure in our current system to meet the demand for the volume, and calibre, of weaselly little fuckers that the UK requires. It is a problem at a grassroots level.
(and more at the link):