The 5 Most Notorious Moles in U.S. History
From a slave who eavesdropped on the Confederate president to a CIA traitor who passed government secrets to the KGB, these are the most scandalous double agents America has ever seen. story the-spies-that-betrayed-britain-the-cambridge-ring-12172811
The spies that betrayed Britain - the Cambridge Ring - Sky News
The extent of the damage caused by moles in such senior echelons of society may never be fully known. ... spies was a huge embarrassment and damaged US trust in British intelligence for years ... news uk-55452313
George Blake: Soviet Cold War spy and former MI6 officer dies in Russia
26th December 2020, 02:18 PST PA Media George Blake told the BBC he had betrayed more than 500 Western agents to the Soviet Union George Blake, the former MI6 officer and one of the Cold War's most... news 2023-06-19 russia-spy-mole-in-asio-sold-cold-war-intelligence-four-corners 102469652
Identity of mole who sold Russia secrets from within Australia's spy ...
For at least two years in the late 1970s, the ASIO mole was the feared Russian spy agency's only back door to American and British intelligence secrets. "This was gold for them," Fergus said. The mole's ASIO colleagues suspected nothing. His name was Ian George Peacock. Ian George Peacock. (Four mighty-history cia-recruited-handled-kgb-mole
How the CIA recruited and handled its top KGB mole
How the CIA recruited and handled its top KGB mole C By Central Intelligence Agency Jan 28, 2019 1 minute read SUMMARY On June 22, 1977, Aleksandr Ogorodnik killed himself with a CIA-supplied suicide pill after the KGB arrested him based on information initially provided by a mole within the Agency. wiki Sasha_(espionage)
Sasha (espionage) - Wikipedia
Sasha was an alleged Soviet mole in the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War . Manhunt In 1961, Anatoliy Golitsyn, a major in the KGB, was assigned to the embassy in Helsinki, Finland, under the name "Ivan Klimov." On 15 December, he defected to the US, along with his wife and daughter, by riding the train to the Swedish border. history still-unexplained-cold-war-fbi-cia-180956969
Thirty Years Later, We Still Don't Truly Know Who Betrayed These Spies
His boyhood nickname, back on a collective farm in Ukraine, was "Mole." Now a stocky, powerfully built man of 43, he had been working for the GRU for 16 yearsand feeding Soviet secrets to the...
I have a limited insight into the topic: my wife spent 28 years with CIA.