Silverware Scrubber..?? [View all]
I have found an amazing silverware scrubber. My dishwasher broke down 15 years ago, and I found this scrubber recently as I fill up the sink with dish soap and warm water. It not only scrubs the silverware so it is totally clean, it shines it at the same time. Very inexpensive to use and easy at the same time. Sometimes it is boring to use this, but that is ok, this is a different use for these tools...(tools ) ???
Ok, what are these scrubbers?...I don't know, people will think I am nuts...nothing new
Not only will I describe the scrubbers, but I will tell you how to clean the silverware...
So, the water is warm and you got a fork in the sink filled with soapy water. You take a fork, while it is in the water..and put the fork between the thumb and the first finger and move the fingers (thumb and first) back and forth over the fork while it is in the water... Do that a few times, and the fork will shine. look like new.
No extra cost, no special chemicals, no soap pads. just a little back and forth with your thumb and first finger over the fork to get it clean. Yes, it works on spoons and regular knifes. for sharp knifes, I would recommend a wet cloth to cover the fingers to protect it while the fingers scrub over the knife. be careful..knifes are sharp..
Well...yes I am nuts, and that is ok. I use this method and it works. maybe good for a laugh..
Oh, what did you expect from a single man who is over 65 and counting....