I learned something about Clorox bleach today.... [View all]
I know, I know, try to control your excitement, everybody!
Seriously .... We recently had a problem with our water softener. Long story short, among other things, the service man told Mr. O to pour a cup of bleach into the softener. He was about to use the Clorox bleach we keep on hand for doing the laundry, which is the splashless kind. Fortunately, before putting it in the softener, he had the presence of mind to wonder if using the splashless kind was okay to put in the softener, so he called the Clorox company, and the woman he spoke to told him Never put that in your water softener, it could foul up the softener, plus the splashless Clorox is not made to disinfect. And, sure enough, if you look on the label, its says right there,
Not for sanitation or disinfection. To sanitize and disinfect, use Clorox Disinfecting Bleach.
I never knew this, and thought maybe this might be helpful information to those of you who use this product.
All we need is another big expense here! Our A/C and furnace will probably need replaced soon, and we certainly dont want to add on to that!