1. i can understand edwards' frustration at dealing with the huge repub majorities in the legislature.
2. every other statewide official is repub, and they are the worst kind of regressively corrupt.
but, through several floods and hurricanes and esp. during the coronavirus event edwards has been a great leader. these repubs would have pulled a full texas style wide open/no masks months ago, and his covid press conferences have been short, informative, and as current and accurate as possible.
would he be a great senator? think manchin rather than bernie sanders.
would he be elected over john kennedy? probably not.
unfortunately, there really are not any other dem candidates who could be elected. i wish general honore would get interested in the job. he is widely respected by everyone who worked with him after katrina, and would take no nonsense from the repubs.
i don't think cedric richmond would win (and "advisor to the president" must be a dream job) and mitch landrieu would have no chance at all statewide. .