The US Senate Elections from HI to CO, Republican are unlikely to field a top tier candidate.
Democrats are going to win HI,NY,CA,VT,CT,MD,OR,IL,WA and CO. by a double digit margin.
Regarding the US Senate elections in NV and AZ, the Republican nominee including the top tier one are weak. Laxalt(R-NV) and Brnovich(R-AZ) are going to lose to Cortez Masto(D-NV) and Kelly(D-AZ) by a high single digit margin.
The battleground Democratic held US Senate seats up for re-election in 2022 will be NH and GA.
NH(Hassan-D will face Sununu-R) Democrats need to national the election. Tie Sununu(R-NH) to Trump-R and McConnell-R. GA(Warnock-D vs Walker-R) get all of the Democratic politicians in GA from Jimmy Carter to Stacy Abrams to campaign for Warnock-D.
Democrats are going to pick up at least 3 Republican held US Senate seats up for re-election in 2022.
PA(Democrats have a top tier candidate Fetterman-D or Lamb-D/Republicans don't have a top tier candidate.)
WI(The likely Democratic candidates Barnes-D, Godlewski-D, Kaul-D, and Kind-D are more electable than Feingold-D) Johnson-R is too right-wing to win in WI.
NC(Beasley-D and Jackson-D) will have a decent chance of defeating McCrory-R, Budd-R, or Walker-R.
The 2022 US Senate elections in OH and FL are pure Tossups. Democrats have strong candidates(Ryan-OH and Demings-FL), However OH and FL are trending to the right.