And I agree with every single word.
One of my favorite parts is point #5 (this in part repeats Cha's earlier reply upthread, but ..what the heck)
Dignity and honesty: Obamas administration has been as free of corruption and, well, peccadillo as any in memory. Its the first two-term presidency not to be derailed by scandal since Eisenhower. A few will stay in paranoid lather about Benghazi or Fast and Furious, but those pseudo-scandals dont compare to Watergate, Iran-Contra, Bill Clintons carnal antics or the phony evidence used to justify attacking Iraq.
Obama has weathered a recession, invisible racism, a reckless Republican Congress, a lily-livered Democratic Party, attacks from the richest pressure groups ever (Super PACs) and a 24/7, ADHD press corps under existential pressure to deliver page views and Nielsen ratings. He has done it with the No Drama Obama style that befits the office.
Obama isnt a performer like Reagan or a preacher like Clinton. Hes head over heart, cool over warm. Yet he did his pastoral duties after Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon and Charleston. He wasnt a catalyst for same-sex marriage, but nourished the culture that made it possible. It is harder than ever to see the big canvas and thus find fresh perspectives. We view current events as puny rivers of Tweets, not grand chapters in the ultimate story -- history.
In that longer view, we should feel well served. So, Mr. President, on behalf of an ungrateful nation, thank you.
Also, you can hear an audio version of his original column, as well as an update to that original column, at