obstruction and the media corporate spin against the White House, is pretty remarkable. Could things have gone better for him, I think so, I don't think he did any good by coming into the White House and try to work "bi-partisanship" with Reoublicans... He gave away the bank and his huge victory given to him by the country wanting him to go left.
Remember when he spoke about making changes to NAFTA in 2008? The fact that he's pushing that horrific TPP is pretty disgusting! And he stood against a war with Iraq, but he's sending troops back now to deal with ISIS... Much of that is due to Bush in the first place, but our dealings within the ME, has left our country as one of ISIS' most powerful recruiting tools in the area. Our country's name mention in that region of the world is akin to our views or Cold War USSR/ communism. It's powerful propaganda for the extremists; and with our invasions into the ME and our drones taking out innocent people's for years, it's not hard for the regular folks living in these countries of strife to feel hospitable or thankful for our intrusions. Plus that whole Libyian intrusion of regime change only helped flame the fire for ISIS.
And education policy is atrocious as it was with No Child Left Behind. More testing, ties to corporations, and ties to testing. Higher education becoming more and more unaffordable by anyone without parents who have a substantial income... It's continuing to dumb down society to accept people like Trump as a Presidential option... Those involved directly with the system, teachers and parents and kids, are ignored in regards to the issue of education, teaching to a test, etc are ignored on both sides