Barack Obama
In reply to the discussion: Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time (Barack Obama Group) [View all]lovemydog
(11,833 posts)President Obama helped us recover from the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Expanded health insurance to remove once and for all the denial of coverage to anyone with a preexisting condition. No one need go bankrupt because of a catastrophic illness ever again.
Ended our country's involvement in two wars. Did not start any stupid costly wars. Quickly adopted the language of occupy wall street to emphasize and bring into public consciousness the inequality between the 1% and the 99% and continued working toward reducing this tremendous gap - perhaps the greatest economic challenge facing us at home and in the future. Brought China and other countries together to sign the most significant climate change agreement in history. Helped rescue the auto industry on terms in which manufacturers create better & more efficient cars and the American people made money.
Significantly reduced the crippling deficit toward something much more manageable. Helped end marriage discrimination against our LGBT brothers and sisters. Shed much light on the unconscionable horrors of systemic racism and sexism. Paved the way for us to reduce and end it in all manners political, and economic and hopefully social. Normalized relations with Cuba. Major nuclear arms reduction deal with Iran. Marking the 50th anniversary of pivotal moment in civil rights, at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Selma, Alabama, delivered one of the greatest speeches in U.S. history on the value of optimism and perseverance, and the critical value of voting in every election big and small, federal and local and state.
Nearly no scandal or drama associated with other presidencies. No corruption not even a tiny bit. Emphasized physical fitness and reducing obesity without coming off like a hypocrite or self-righteous cheerleader. Paved the way for reducing the human and financial costs associated with imprisoning non-violent criminals. Emphasized early literacy and big brother type volunteerism and will devote much of his life beyond his presidency to continuing these initiatives.
Opened the door for a very liberal younger generation to accomplish a great deal more, with inspiration and optimism and an endearing sense of humor and rationality. Paved the way for stronger gun control. Paved the way for expanding medicare and medicaid. Paved the way for increasing taxes on the rich and lowering them for everyone else. Paved the way for closing the loopholes of offshore tax cheats (individuals and corporations).
All this with an intransigent republican congress and a corporate controlled mass media. And an often disenchanted, disengaged, cynical, apathetic, ignorant or hysterically idiotic general public. And relentless nitpicking criticism from the far right, much of the far left and far too many in between.
To me there is little doubt he is the greatest president of the post-World War II era. I personally feel he's the greatest president in history because he did this all without exercising one iota of the racism, sexism, arrogance or hubris associated with every past 'great' president.
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