Whether Chucky finishes out his (one) term, or has a nervous breakdown and resigns before that (a distinct possibility), by then Argentina's economy will have shrunk so much - it'll be almost pointless trying to revive it (and, besides, how?).
His "Human Capital" Minister (eq. to HHS), Sandra Pettovello, reportedly had one herself, upon seeing the latest poverty figures - and after being refused funds to assist the many soup kitchens in Argentina, which are growing more crowded by the week.
Milei does still have considerable support - mostly from rock-ribbed anti-Peronists (these are mainly racists and snobs - akin to your "country club" Republican); but also from radicalized RW voters (mainly younger men), and the plain stubborn - blockheads who now realize they chose wrong; but are too proud to admit it (again, mainly men).
His support is steadily falling though, as people's living standards fall. There's only so much even the stubborn can put up with.
People are already jumping train station turnstiles en masse, for instance - which, in Argentina, has often preceded outright riots.
When I think of those who still support him, I can't help but be reminded of the little boy in Child's Play - who walks around in the cold looking for his lost doll Chucky, calling out forlornly.
It's a pitiful - and at once, morbid - sight.
Milei's supporters:
Thanks as always, Judi.
Qué será.