A thread voicing support for a new President Harris policy initiative regarding Cuba. [View all]
The old policies have only demonstrated that Cubans have solidarity with their system.No matter what the US throws at them as obstacles, they persevere.
Starving them and enacting policies aimed at impoverishing their economy has only hardened their support for their effective gov't - as their ability to deliver world class healthcare and higher education under austere conditions demonstrates.
Universal healthcare
Universal higher education
Ratification of the ERA as part of their constitution
Ratification of the UDHR as part of their constitution
Are these aforementioned policies part of the platform of goals for the Democratic Party here in the US? Or not?
I know we have more pressing domestic issues at hand, but, I hope and pray for some serious reevaluation of our cruel, inhumane treatment and collective punishment of an entire nation - our neighbors - that has done nothing to harm the USA.