Video Shows Police Brutally Beat Terminally Ill Man in Front of His Two Young Children [View all]
Morgantown, WV A kind-hearted woman with a cellphone captured the horrific scene of a man choking on his own blood, in front of his children, while pinned under three cops.
According to Banes nephew, Josh Bane, he was walking to the park with his children when police approached and attacked him.
As my uncle and his two children headed towards the store before heading to the park together they crossed an intersection to the other side when the stroller became hung up on the curb. As the light changed, to keep his children out of harms way he hurriedly put his two year old on the curb, told her to stay put and pulled the stroller up on the curb.
In this moment someone mistook my uncles actions to keep his kids safe as child abuse. The police were then called and approached him down the street and began to question him. Assuming because of his appearance he was high on narcotics with out reason they began to sub due him, macing and beating him in the head as he fell to his face were he was then held with a great amount of force by two officers double his size as a third one landed on his torso.
For the the next ten minutes as my cousins watch unattended, my uncle pleads and cries out in pain for the lack of breath and agony being applied to him.
Unknown to the police my uncle suffers from Huntingtons disease. For those unfamiliar it is very similar to Parkinsons. So as he lay there uncontrollably moving due to his terminal condition, he is forcefully detained to the point of screaming for help. He is spitting blood and drowning in it and the officer holding his head only applies more pressure and instructs him to quit spitting.
Unknown to the police my uncle suffers from Huntingtons disease. For those unfamiliar it is very similar to Parkinsons. So as he lay there uncontrollably moving due to his terminal condition, he is forcefully detained to the point of screaming for help. He is spitting blood and drowning in it and the officer holding his head only applies more pressure and instructs him to quit spitting.