Leave it on the shelves of the stores. They will have to discount it to get rid of it after the 31st.
Was out shopping yesterday and have already seen 50% sales of halloween candies and merchandise because its not moving.
The discounts after the 31st will be greater.
My folks gave pennies and nickels out when I was a kid. Cheaper and it saves dental bills.
Greed has hit the corps and they are just taking advantage of the situation and creating a false inflation.
I talked to a worker at a local Wal-Mart where they've raise prices of food items and were told to keep the shelves looking sparse like there is a shortage of the item.
People react to the limited amount of stock on the shelf by buying more than one item because they fear the next time they shop there won't be any. All the time there is ample backup in the storerooms.
Most of what we're seeing is artificial shortages created to raise and justify the marked-up prices.
We're being conned. Corps are making record profits off their greed and our fears and blaming all this on the Dems & Biden.