and we may yet see it if the Repubs aren't put down in a big way. Reagan and Thatcher started this together... each in their own country. The Thatcherites just entrenched and never let up. At was austerity at any cost. Add Brexit to the already dire austerity their public services were experiencing, and you get where they're at now.
If we hadn't kept the worst of Repubs at bay for as long as we did, and continually recovering from the financial messes they made when they did get into office, we'd have been ripe for being right on par with London. Our "Brexit" was the enormous tax breaks given during Trump's time in office. In four years, he managed to do what it nearly took all of our history to complete. We were (and are) so ready to go down the same road if we let Repubs get their way again. We only have so much elasticity and flexibility left in our system. It won't take much to push it over the edge. And of course, this is what the Repugs want and are banking on happening. Our hit from Russia is decades old, as are the traitors to this country.