The people who lost any money investing in the S&P 500: [View all]
are those who invested from 12/19/19 through 2/24/20. Then they've lost some money on funds they invested between these dates. On paper. Any money they had invested before 12/19/19 is above water. 12/19/19 thru 2/24/20 were the only days in history when the S&P 500 was above today's 3194 close. (And this ignores dividends)
BTW, it's 5.7% below the Feb 19 all-time high of 3386 (still in "pullback" territory, which ranges from between 5% down and 10% down)
So far. We'll see what happens when the stimulus and Federal Reserve begins cutting back as they will eventually and inevitably. Not to mention the real economy is a long way from recovered, and yes, I saw today's jobs report -- still 21 M unemployed. Compare to 15.4 M at the worst of the Great Recession.
Monthly changes:
But Trump says George Floyd is "looking down right now" and saying today is a "great thing that's happening for our country ... This is a great, great day."
Only one problem: the black unemployment rate is 16.8%, an uptick from April's 16.7%. And 1/3 above the 12.4% white unemployment rate, which ticked down by 1.8 percentage points.
# Black unemployment rate
First 5 months of 2020: 6.0, 5.8, 6.7, 16.7, 16.8 Trump: "what have you got to lose?"
# White unemployment rate
First 5 months of 2020: 3.1, 3.1, 4.0, 14.2, 12.4
Asked how the rate of unemployment among black Americans can be considered a "victory" as it continues to increase, the president told a reporter outside the White House, "You are really something."
And the stock market rally doesn't help black families all that much
Few black families will benefit from the historic stock market rally, 6/5/20