North Carolina To Teachers: No Free Speech For You! | Crooks and Liars [View all]
This has probably already been posted but I thought it should get more exposure in Labor & Education groups. x p
North Carolina To Teachers: No Free Speech For You! | Crooks and Liars
Some public school teachers no doubt tired of buying their own school supplies and grading a bunch of incorrigible kids papers written in textspeak and generally being the most disrespected government employees in the statehave taken to demonstrating their commitment to public schools by wearing red for ed. For education that is, and they are heroes to be teaching in North Carolina instead of fleeing to the private sector like so many education tax dollars, or to Texas.
And now, under Senate Bill 480, their support for public education could earn them a Class 1 misdemeanor, because supporting public education is being considered a political view. Thats the equivalent of simple assault, or robbing a vending machine. Just wearing a red shirt in the classroom to say you support education.
As Melissa Geil, a freelance writer and English teacher writes in a blog post for Women AdvaNCe, the law makes sense in theory. You dont want your kids teacher espousing political views in class or otherwise doing something on the taxpayers dime that theyre not being paid to do.